17. Walks, No Wheel Chair and Socialising

Tough Love: Inspite of the nightly pains, embarrassing uncontrollable “judders” of my left leg at odd times during the day, I was still pretty excited to carry on with my efforts.  Nevertheless, Colin and Della were relentless with getting me up daily. I got out of the wheel chair, did leg and arm exercises and got back on that hateful stationery bike to cycle to no where. 

As I’d proven that I slowly was able to move under my own steam, I still had no sympathy from them!  I easily tired and battled with my inner self all the time. Although I wanted to give up several times, I had the urge to improve, and gritted my teeth to continue. I suffered through Colin and Della’s daily sarcasm and teasing, which only spurred me on even more.  We also had a lot of laughs though. Even though I accused them of “cruelty”and heard them telling me that I “was showing off” whenever I revealed any improvement, I could sincerely say that their “Tough Love” regime should be shared with others.  However, at the time, I was too occupied with complaining and laughing, while they continued their cheeky meanness towards me.

Decision on My Medical Equipment: Although my mobility was still pretty limited, Colin and I decided that we wanted to continue with renting the hospital equipment a bit longer. The hospital bed rental agreement wasn’t due until the end of the month, so we decided that I should continue to sleep downstairs until I felt more confident about going up and down the stairs.  I still had issues with my balance and the ability to lift my left leg up each stair step.  The higher we got, the less inclined I wanted to go further. When I looked back behind me, it seemed a heck of a long way to fall down to the bottom.  I realized that I would have to repeat the process again to go down the stairs, which became even more scary as I had to constantly look down from a height. I tried ignoring my vertigo with each step.  Poor Colin sweetly continued to be my bedside night companion on the sofa.  We told ourselves, just a few more weeks to go …….. 

Time to Declutter my Office

It got to me that I had to rely on Lara and Della to fetch and carry my drinks, food and also stuff from the back office.  I had difficulty as I had no control or was limited with what needed to be done around the house or office.  I began to get paranoid about my files and papers put in the wrong places, or out of order sequence. Colin and Lara discussed what had to be done while I was in bed – which never put my mind at rest.

Documents had been constantly been moved around for to me to check and look over.  I also got rather twitchy when I felt that I had no idea that if my stuff were put back in the right places in the office.  Whenever they couldn’t find certain things, or the printer / computer wouldn’t suddenly work, I had my wheel chair pushed into the office to oversee what had to be done.  I noticed and horrified to see several times that my desk had become unrecognizable, so rather than show that I was upset, I would ask to be returned to my bed for a silent sulk.  I was pretty sure that I hadn’t masked my feelings very well, but I couldn’t help the aggravation I felt that I wasn’t able do a darned thing !  

Everyone had been really patient with me but it was hard to explain how flustered I felt. Normally, I never voluntarily let people loose in my office, let alone have free access to my computers, files and private stuff.  The situation got me really down, but Colin constantly told me to behave and stop worrying about things out of my control.  I knew he was right, but I just couldn’t get it out of my mind.

Reclaiming My Office: I decided to claim back some order and declutter my office.  The files and paperwork had built up over the past few months and no apparent logical places to go anymore.  I used to know automatically where everything had been, but I suddenly, I had absolutely no idea.  Which drove me really nuts!  Lara and Della patiently brought me each file and documents, as I was able to sift through them gradually and discard a lot of old and new irrelevant stuff.  It wasn’t easy as some of the papers and files constantly slid off my lap, the table top or out of my hands onto the floor because of my lack of control in gripping.  It was a very laborious and horribly clumsy process, which maddened Colin, as I wasn’t supposed to do anything too complicated for too long.  This meant that poor Lara and Della had to regularly pick up the mess from the floor each time and file things away as I requested.  I know I’d been obstinate and unwavering to get my office back to normal, but I couldn’t stress enough how really important it was to me.  I must have driven everyone crazy …….

Time to Say Goodbye: After a while, Lara had to go back to Fuengirola.  She was so good in helping us over the past few weeks, she couldn’t stay with us indefinitely.  She had her partner, a young child, her home and her own work routine to get back to.  We agreed that, although I’d been pretty clumsy and very slow, I could continue with limited time to operate my computer keyboard with one hand. I would try to stay in touch via internet with regards to looking over any work, designs by her, or by any outside help.   I knew that it would be difficult to attempt but I was more than willing to have a go. Before, a normal task that would have taken me an hour, took me 4 – 5 hours to do. Colin reluctantly gave me a small trial period, as long as I rested and wouldn’t push myself like I used to. I had to learn to adapt and swallow my pride to admit that, as I couldn’t function as I used to, I needed help.  In addition, whether I liked it or not, I also had to finally accept that things had drastically changed for both Colin and me at home, work and socially.

Girlie Visit

I had a lovely message from one of my golf buddies, Doreen, from my El Paraiso Golf Club.  She messaged me that she and our other golf buddy, Agnete, wanted to come to visit.  I felt excited to look forward to a break away from my daily routine.  So thoughtful of them. I forgotten how to socialize, so I actually had a purpose to get dressed properly and prepare to greet outside company at home again . 

Doreen, Agnete, Me, Marie and Tricia (Lady Captain)

Golf Fancy Dress Competitions: Doreen, Agnete and I had been members of a team of 4 players with Marie (Pink Flamingo gift a few weeks earlier).  We used to play as a team in our annual “Christmas Fancy Dress Golf Competition” against other teams of 4 that were mad enough to get dressed in outrageous outfits and somehow play in them throughout the competition.  Each year we would have a theme, normally decided by the Club Lady Captain of each year.  It usually took each team weeks, sometimes months, of planning, huddling together in secret, hush hush talks about costumes.  It was always mad, insane but ever such good fun.  A couple of years before, our team dressed as mice and actually won!

After the competition we all ended up with a lunch together and voted for the best costumes.  Our team played together for 4 years, however I had to face up to reality, and knew, that I had to stand down for somebody else to play in my place this year.  The girls were kind and reassuring told me not to be so silly.  As far as they were concerned, I was still a member of the team. if I couldn’t play or not in the December event, I still had to be part of the planning team and dress up as the 5th non-playing member on the day.  I felt so touched by their generous and considerate offer.  At least it gave me another goal to look forward to later in the year.

Della was around and kindly offered tea or coffee, in between pottering around the house and joined in our chat from time to time.  I wished Doreen good luck because she was due to take over as Lady Captain in May, so we sneakily discussed the fancy dress theme between the three of us for the following December.  I had relaxed and it was a lovely get together with the girls.  It felt great to joke around, as we used to, and I felt half normal again.  When we said our goodbyes, we promised to stay in touch via messenger. I’d been invited to attend the golf club for lunch with some of the other lady members , if I felt well enough.  Yet another positive thing for me to aim for …..

Marie, Susan, Me, Brian and Colin

Date Out – 1st April: On my next date with Colin, I was determined not to sit in that wheel chair.  I actually became confident enough to ditch it for the afternoon. I had to “toddle” along up an entrance slop, while I desperately held onto Colin for support, to enter the Dog House Bar.  We sat with our friends Susan & Brian, who often played golf with us in the past.  Maria joined us in her wheelchair.  Poor thing had been ill again, had a few bad falls and wasn’t very mobile.  We discovered that Susan and Brian have been incredible in helping her with medical appointments and helped her learn how to adapt to her new situation.  Maria and I previously had been “parked” next to each other, in our matching wheel chairs in that bar.  On this occasion, it felt pretty strange for me, as I was more mobile and able to sit on the sofa as a normal person.  Maria mentioned that, as she had seen me walk, she was inspired to try to walk again herself. I felt so pleased and wished her good luck with her efforts.  I told her that it wouldn’t be easy but the reward in trying would definitely be invaluable.

First Walk About – 2nd April: Della and I began to be a bit more adventurous and decided to allow me to try a few steps out of the house for a walk.  It felt really strange, shuffling out of the entrance onto the road outside.  I had to hold onto her as I lumbered along step by step until I reached around 500 m, then sat down on a low wall to rest.  I felt such relief, until I realized that I had to go through it all again to return home!  I was exhausted, but felt wonderful, as a satisfied fatigue settled in before my afternoon nap.  We continued this routine daily, until I felt more comfortable to balance on my own. Sometimes, I went a little further until I got to doing 1 km around the block. 

Rude Female Driver: On one of our walks, a young woman drew up in her sports car behind us.  I felt acutely aware that we were in the way of her passing us. I struggled slowly over to the side bit of the narrow road. I waved my hand in apology, for not moving any quicker to get out of the way.   Unfortunately, the woman grew impatient and began to blare on her car horn in a succession of long and loud beeps.  Ridiculous! Any normal person could have seen that I was in difficulty and incapable of moving any faster!  As I kept waving while I tried to move out of the way. I felt really embarrassed to say the least.  I just wanted it all over as soon as possible, but I began to panic as I wasn’t able to get away fast enough.  Della became furious when she saw my distress, stood in the middle of the road to block the woman’s car, while I desperately tried to get to the side of the road.  As the woman’s car top had been down, Della shouted, “what’s the matter with you?” and threw her arms in the air in exasperation.  The horrible woman threw her head back in laughter as she drove past.  Della muttered under her breath, while I tried pulling myself together.   Della was definitely my Hero.   Until that moment, I thought that I’d done quite well, but my confidence took a bit of knocking that day …….

PARTY TIME – 3rd April

Our good friends, John and Anisa, had bought a villa and it was to be their “house-warming” afternoon party.  Colin and I initially doubted I would be well enough to go, but I really looked forward to it.  John is English and Anisa from Indonesia. The food was to be Indonesian, drinks from the bar (they built in the garden) and live music from Dennis, a mutual friend and local musician.  No way would I miss that!

Got Ready Alone for the First Time – A Right Fiasco!: As Della had the day off, Colin left me to my own devices to get ready.  I knew it would take me ages, so I began to get ready more than a couple of hours ahead.  In the shower, on my own for the first time, was a bit scary. When I tentatively made my way back to the bedroom, in a damp state, I inched along a wet floor that made me really nervous.  I felt thankful to get to my dressing table stool in one piece.  Della had always dried my hair, so I was forced with tackling that task on my own.  Blow drying hadn’t been too much of a problem as I was able to hold the dryer with my good hand.  However, the business of styling my hair was a different matter.  I wasn’t able to hold the dryer in my good hand, while I tried to style and curl the ends of my hair with my brush in my bad hand at the same time.  I developed a new technique, when I placed the dryer on it’s side on the dressing table top to blow on my hair. I bent my head down and tried to style with my good hand.  Definitely not recommended unless, like me, you were desperate.  I ended up with neck ache, sore fingers and fuzzy dry hair!  Not a pretty sight, but never mind, at least I had a go ….

Tying My Laces: I later fumbled with my good hand to put on my makeup.  It took me several attempts with the liquid eyeliner which before failed with the final result.  I wasn’t happy but I got there eventually.  It took me an age but, if that that hadn’t been bad enough, I had to build up the determination to do battle with my clothes.  That a task took me, even longer to tackle! 

Just as I thought things had come together, I made the bad decision to discard my slip on shoes for lace up pumps.  Although I had limited movement with my bad fingers, if I moved the rest of my bad arm around, to make it less difficult – easy, right? No – wrong …..

As I couldn’t move the laces properly, I had to move them with my good hand.  When I tried to tie my laces, it became a real ordeal because I wasn’t able to maintain any grip with my left hand fingers, to grip and tie a bow properly.  It was like one of those mechanical arms in an amusement arcade that you had to operate to grip the toys below, but miserably failed. It took me a long while to get ready, and I heard Colin shout up the stairs to ask if I was OK.  “No I flipping well wasn´t!”, I thought.

 I answered that I wouldn’t be long, and he then asked if I needed any help.  My inner voice wanted to scream out with frustration, but all I could do was proudly say, “I’m alright, I won’t be much longer.  Sorry”, as I broke out into a sweat to fight with the laces for the umpteenth time.  I wanted to show I could manage to get ready all by myself.  Even if it had taken me forever in the end!   When I was eventually ready, Colin told me that he thought I had flushed myself down the toilet because I took so long.  I was too proud to admit to the “comedy of errors” upstairs.  I knew that he would have scolded me for not calling out for help.

The House Warming Party: Colin made sure he parked the car close to the entrance gate.  We followed the sound of music, as we slowly made our way via the side path to the back garden where the party was held, while I desperately gripped his arm for balance.  Colin guided me to sit at a table on the terrace with some familiar faces, where I was able to take a deep breathe, relax and look around to say hello properly to everyone.   I hadn’t moved from that place, but Colin checked on me several times, while he socialised from one cluster of people to another around the garden / terrace areas.  He’d been considerate, made sure I had a drink and would ensure that I hadn’t been left sitting alone as people moved around.  There was a lively and vibrant atmosphere with an eclectic mix of different nationalities, mostly British, and Anisa’s Indonesian girlfriends.

Stephanie, Anisa, Colin, Me and John

Nice Mix of Food, Friends and Dancing: It became time for guests to help themselves to the delicious array of Indonesian food, which had a displayed buffet style, inside in the kitchen.  Colin and others kindly offered to plate something up for me but I had wanted to go and choose for myself.  I cautiously made my way to their kitchen, while going through the usual movements of grabbing hold of chairs, tables and door frames. 

The vision of different dishes was wonderful, as I hadn’t been able to cook and it had been a long while since I had authentic Indonesian cuisine.  Anisa was lovely and held my plate, while I chose what yummy bits and pieces to have.  She also took my plate back to my seat outside, while I gradually made my own way back to my seat.  Colin eventually joined me and we enjoyed the friendly banter around our table for a while.  When it was time, Dennis started the live music and people started dancing.  Normally I would have joined in.  Colin smiled in my direction and affectionately gave me a knowing squeeze of the hand.  I told him, “Never mind, maybe next time”.  Soon after, it started to get dark, I began to get tired, so we said our thanks and goodbyes as the party continued.  It was a good and fun celebration. I believe it had been the longest I’d managed to stay out so far.  It definitely was past my usual early bed time, but so worth the effort ………

Lunch Thai Style – 5th April: Our friends, Colin and Mandy, came over briefly from England, so we arranged to meet up with them, John and Anisa in Guadalmina for lunch.  As we all love Thai food, we agreed  to try out the“Koh Thai” Restaurant, that most of our friends had been raving about. 

The place was small and intimate inside but they had an awning on the terrace with much more seating available.  Colin and I thought it would be warmer and safer for us to sit inside near the toilet facilities, so I wouldn’t have to struggle too far.  It was so lovely to see Colin and Amanda again.  They actually had owned our magazine before we bought it from them a few of years ago.  Amanda was so helpful via the internet and became my “phone a friend”, whenever I called her for advice in the UK.  She kindly offered to be of more help since I became ill.  We had a pleasant time with delicious, authentic Thai food.  It fast became one of my new favourite restaurants and we all agreed to return some time.

Sunday Lunch: We met up with David and Tracy for Sunday Lunch at La Sala.  The place always had a bustling and good atmosphere, lively music and excellent food.  Colin and I hadn’t been there in a while, so the four of us thought it would be nice to go. 

We’d been friends with the Owners, Ian and Claire (his wife) and family for ages, so we were really proud of them when the La Sala group grew fast into a successful and popular venue over the years.  It was nice when we saw some familiar faces, friends and key staff members that day, so we immediately settled in comfortably.  I really enjoyed myself but when I moved around the crowd of strangers to get to the toilets, it felt a bit awkward and slightly embarrassing. It was different when I was among friends and people that knew me, but when I picked my way in between other people in the room, it felt pretty daunting. Most individuals basically are kind and considerate, so when I overheard a young girl whisper, “Aawww … Bless her”, as I limped past, I found it difficult to swallow.   My pride still hadn’t been ready to accept well-intentioned sympathy yet. It reminded me that I was far from being normal, no matter how much I pretended to myself that I had improved.  My physical movements and slurred speech showed the reality of my situation. I felt a bit self-conscious and acted as though I hadn’t heard, while I smiled and hobbled past their group again.   Nevertheless, I wouldn’t let that spoil my mood. I had another fun afternoon with Colin and good friends.  My third time out within a week! I began to be accused of being a “Party Animal”.   Our past week of hectic arrangements had been a complete coincidence, but I had a great week of freedom from the constraints of when I’d been housebound ..….

Please view next page 18 at link “1st Dance, Less Aids & Cooking Efforts”: https://www.rebootinglinda.com/first-dance-goodbye-to-hospital-aids-trying-to-cook-and-going-out-more/

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18. 1st Dance, Less Aids & Cooking Efforts

Social Time Over – Back to Exercising

Dodgy Exercise Counting: Well party time had to end.  Della and Colin decided it was time for me to get back to exercises.  As my balance had improved, I held onto the side of the bed while I kicked my bad left leg out to the side 10 times, then I did the same with right leg.  I wasn’t able to get as high as I used to with my bad leg, but I had done alright.  Just as I thought that was it and felt pleased with myself, Della ordered me to try to kick my bad leg backwards 10 times!  What a struggle and I hadn’t done it so well.  I was made to do some scrunches, which meant bending my knees and bob up and down, while hanging onto the bed railings.  This became my new daily routine with the walks and cycling.  The slave drivers!  While I counted during exercises aloud, I had counted “6 ….. 7 …. 8 ….”, while Della counted “4 … 5 …. 6 ….”.  One of us had become a dodgy counter!

Dancing Queen – Not!  11th April

My “Alexa” and First Dance: Our friends, John and Anisa, had been lovely and bought me an “Alexa” from their trip in Gibraltar.  As I had been limited to my bed, the idea behind that was so that I could ask it questions, learn to change TV channels by voice control, and ask for a variety of music.  What a wonderful and very thoughtful gift!  My balance had improved a little, so I could stand unaided for short periods.  As I felt rather mischievous one day, I messed around in between the exercises.  I asked Alexa for one of my favourite songs, “Happy”, by Pharrel Williams.  I didn’t care how silly I might have looked with my strange style of dancing in the video clip. However, that song really reflected the joyful, clap, happy way I felt.  I tried to independently dance, and it felt great.

Thai Lunch Reunion 13th April

Left to Right – Paul, Kaat, Michelle, me, Colin and Ian

We hadn’t seen our old friends in absolutely ages.  All six of us had enjoyed holidays together in Thailand in the past, so it became a good excuse to go back to the Koh Thai Restaurant.  On this occasion, Colin parked a little further away from the place, instead of the front door.  I felt a bit nervous about walking so far, but held onto Colin as we slowly made our way to our table inside.  The food hadn’t disappointed and it was great to have shared old memories of Thai dishes that we knew, as we caught up on news and had a couple of laughs.

Rocky Move Over 14th April

I had eaten far too much the previous day, so just as well that Colin & Della insisted I had a session on the bike machine again.  As my peddling had improved slightly, I could cycle a little faster.  For a laugh, we asked “Alexa” to put on the theme tune to “Rocky” for motivation.  Della’s sneaky little video of me had been a little dark but you could see me peddling better to the music in the background.

“Naughty Girl’s” Golf Lunch 15th April

Left to Right – Alison (Lady Captain), Me, Suzy, Marie (Fancy dress Golf team member), Barabara, Michelle, Gill, Trishia (Previous Lady Captain) and Shirley – Some of my “Girls” golf buddies

I felt a lot more confident not using the wheel chair, so I agreed to meet up with some golf girlfriends for lunch, after the usual Monday Ladies Roll up.  Della helped to prepare me, so I didn’t have the usual fight with clothes or shoe laces.  Colin drove me over to the El Paraiso club house.  I actually felt rather anxious when I hung onto him, while I tried to walk from the car park to the Club House.  I hadn’t been in the club, since I had last played the previous December.  As I hobbled along, we approached the terrace area and I heard quite a few voices and I felt acutely more apprehensive.  I was expecting to see a handful of girls, but it took us by surprise to see so many.  When people spotted us, they each stood up, and greeted us with such a generous applause.  I felt so overwhelmed and touched, I almost burst into tears.  Colin later told me that he had almost welled up too!  The girls had been lovely, warm and welcoming.  How on earth could I have been so twitchy about seeing them again?  Colin left me in their safe hands, as we all settled into our seats and they went onto announce that day’s list of winners.

Origin of Naughty Girls: After a while, the tables of four players began to spread out and we pulled a couple of tables together for those that stayed behind for drinks and lunch.  It was wonderful reconnecting with my lovely friends.  It had been a while since “The Naughty Girls” had been together.  Our group began when I first joined the golf club. I asked others about a group of ladies that gathered after a golf competition.  They always seemed like fun and laughed often.  I was told that the group had been known as the “Widows Club”.  I never liked that name, because it hadn’t described the fun loving and gregarious nature of the bunch of women.  As I later joined them a few times, with some of the other golf girlfriends, I began to call us “The Naughty Girls”. The name seemed to have stuck since.  Whenever we finished our prize presentations, some ladies would ask others, “are you going to be a naughty girl later?”.  So that was how our afternoon group eventually expanded in number. 

Lunch Time: We joked about me playing golf soon, but we all knew that wasn’t going to happen overnight.  However, I preferred to be positive and talk about “when” and not “if”, so it was nice for me to have made fictional goals with them.  We decided on tapa dishes, so that everyone could share, rather than have a main dish each.  I ate a lot, but still one handed. Time passed by so quickly, so I was surprised to see Colin when he came to collect me.  We cajoled him into joining us for a drink and kidded him about being an honorary “Naughty Girl”.   He responded with, “I’ve always liked naughty girls”.

Joint Chefs – My First Attempt to Cook – 17th April: I felt bad that Colin had done all the cooking since I became ill, so I suggested to try to help him in the kitchen.   We decided to make spaghetti Bolognese together. I wasn’t able to stand up for long, as my leg and back would ache after short periods, so I had to sit down for several rest periods.  I felt annoyed and useless but, nevertheless, I carried on.  I began by peeling and tried to chop an onion.  Simple task, NO! I didn’t have a good enough grip on that round thing, but it kept slipping out of my bad hand.  I became really vexed and had to admit defeat. Colin patiently waited and said, “a guy could starve to death waiting for you to finish”.   In the end I allowed Colin to take over all the chopping, while I had been reduced to adding the meat and ingredients to the pan, then stirred them altogether.  We ended with a messy joint effort, that Colin mostly did, but at least I tried.

Good Friday 19th April

It was good Friday, so time to wish everyone “Happy Easter”.  Colin had bought me a chocolate rabbit, so I wished all on social media a “Happy Easter” and told them I was signing off to eat my chocolate bunny’s ears off. 

Ladies Lunch 22nd April

Previous year group photo with me in the middle

I had been kindly invited to lunch with the ladies at El Paraiso Golf Club again.  It was to say goodbye to the retiring Lady Captain, Alison, and to welcome our team mate, Doreen, as new Lady Captain.  It had been so nice of them to have involved me and I had a lovely time.  I didn’t have time, or think, to take photos that day, but I included one from a previous year of our group of ladies. Just to give you an idea of the number of girls involved.

Goodbye Wheel Chair and Stroller 24th April

Goodbye Wheel Chair
Goodbye Stroller

Although a bit unsteady on my legs, I felt comfortable enough to return the wheel chair, kindly loaned by our friends, James and Allyson.  I also had the stroller returned, kindly loaned by my girlfriend, Jayne.   If they no longer were there to easily slip back into using, I had to learn to cope.  It felt so liberating but quite scary too.  What irked me, Colin continued to hang onto that hateful commode, I had always refused to use it.  I told him that if it wasn’t disposed of, I would turn it into a plant feature for the garden.  He still annoyingly held onto that thing to get me worked up!

Another Cooking Attempt 26th April

I never wanted to feel defeated, so Colin and I tried to make my “Cataplana” dish together.  It was my version of a Portugese dish, which was a mix of pork, tiger prawns and baby clams in a lovely white wine and tomato sauce.  Afraid it turned into the same scenario when we had attempted cooking the previous spaghetti Bolognese.  I just wasn’t able to grip anything well enough to chop, which ended with Colin doing most the preparation, while I continued stirring in the ingredients.  Anyway, as a TV Chef would say, I actually had made a slide show of one that I had done earlier (above), .  Hope you enjoy it, we had.

Colin & Me

Date Lunch 28th April: The weather was pretty horrible, my aches, pains and spasms had steadily increased at night. I became a little “stir crazy”, as I’d been housebound over the past week.  Colin told me to get ready and took me out for a “date lunch” at 90 Miles, in Villacana beachside resort.  It was lovely being out again and among the familiar faces of Adria, Dolores and the girls.  Steve provided the karaoke entertainment that afternoon.  He had worked for us before, when we had the 90 Miles premises a few years ago, previously named, “Colin’s Piano Bar”.  It was nice for catch up on memories of those days.  We giggled when I used to “bribe” Steve with “B52” shots, to stay longer later in the night.  He joked that I had been “naughty” and got him pleasantly tiddly.  Well, as times moved on, we moved into Real Estate and then leased the premises to Adria and Dolores. The place had developed into a popular venue for good food and live entertainment.  Our food had been excellent that day. Our friends, Brian and Gill, Richard and his golf friend, joined us for social drinks too.

Hospital bed from Lounge

Goodbye Hospital Bed and Hello Normal Bed 30th April: As it was the end of the month, it was time to end our rental agreement of the hospital bed.  Although I had spent a good part of 3 months in that bed, it felt so satisfying when I saw the men collect and wheeled it away for good.  Our lounge suddenly became so much roomier. Della had kindly tidied up and prepared me for my first night in our normal bed upstairs.  It was also going to be Colin’s first night too!

First Night in Our Bedroom: It felt strange being back in my own bed after so much time. It was wonderful not to have to lie in that hospital bed downstairs anymore.  The reality hit me later, when I tried to hobble over to the bathroom in the middle of the night.   I honestly thought that I would make it, without having to disturb Colin, but I crashed and fell into a heap on the floor.  Needless to say, I made such a racket, Colin instantly woke up and had to pull me up onto my feet to help me back to bed.  With painful bum and bruised ego, I had completely lost the urge to go to the bathroom again. I didn’t have the heart to tell Colin that I wanted to go later in the night.  It was not the best of starts back in our own bedroom!

Please view next page 19 at link “Reflecting, Declutter, Walks & Outings”: https://www.rebootinglinda.com/reflections-decluttering-the-house-walking-further-and-more-outings/

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19. Reflecting, Declutter, Walks & Outings

Warm Hearted Steve

Reality Check – Time to Remember a Couple of Good Friends

After months of concentrating to get back on my feet again, my thoughts turned to the recent loss of a couple of very dear friends.  I had earlier mentioned that Steve went in Marbella hospital at the same time that I was in Malaga. sadly he lost his brave fight with cancer at the end of January at the time I left hospital.  Because I had been in a bad way, I couldn’t move and it was horrible not to attend his funeral / memorial in Benahavis. 

Fun Loving Terry

A couple of months later, our other lovely golf friend, Terry, from El Paraiso also sadly lost his battle from a brain problem at the end of March.  I was still using a wheel chair at the time, so the trip up to Benahavis was difficult. The steep hills and cobbled streets to attend his funeral / memorial, would have been too much.  I felt terrible that I wasn’t there for my girlfriends, Stephanie and Jo, to honor their husbands, but they each generously told me not to worry and hadn’t expected me to attend the ceremonies.  Nevertheless, it hadn’t lessened the pain and sorrow of loss of these wonderful men.  We will miss them.

Thoughts of My Survival: I began to reflect on my own mortality for a bit.  Nothing too morbid, but I had been in awe of how incredible that I had survived at all, after the sad loss of two lovely friends.  No rhyme or reason behind the causes of why they lost their battles. I was acutely aware of having been so lucky with my own outcome.  I mentioned before, timing in my case had been vitally important.   My symptoms were quickly recognized and swift action taken to save me.  Unfortunately, in Steve and Terry’s cases, their situations had been completely different.  I realized that Colin, family and friends had gone through so much distress and faced up to possible life changing decisions. Never happened because I pulled through my coma.  An uncertain period that I wouldn’t have wished on anyone.  It had been OK for me at the time, as I wasn’t aware of what everyone must have gone through when they were told that I wasn’t expected to survive my coma.

Making changes to be happy

Deep Thoughts of Mortality: Quite a few thoughts drifted into my head since then, which had only been natural.   There had been, “what if” thoughts of if I hadn’t survived.  Those thoughts became quite overwhelming at times, which had ended in quite a few tears.  I just wasn’t able to describe why I felt such a wave of emotion. I sometimes questioned how on earth did I survive, but then felt extremely lucky.  This life changing experience made me realize that it was time not to take my new chance for granted, take stock of my life, be more patient, happier and marvel at the incredible opportunity to make some changes.  I pulled myself together, saluted my lost friends and became more grateful for opportunities of new experiences and memories yet to be created.  It became time not to question why, but make improvement in all aspects where ever I could.

Moved Back into My Office – 2nd May: Four months since my attack I spent a few weeks of gradually having my office decluttered of files and documents. It was great that my computers were back in my office again.  I was so happy! Colin, Della and friends told me that I should take things easy and not to return to my usual work schedule.  Under Colin’s and Della’s eagle eyes, there had been no danger of that.  I was no where close to working as before but it felt so satisfying that everything was back in the right places again. Although I wasn’t allowed to work, I was able to use my computer for social media catch-up and use the internet in familiar surroundings. It was slow and hard for me to concentrate at times, but I managed to fumble through.

Discarded Hangers 🙂

More De-Cluttering – Battle of the Clothes Hangers!: My tidying regime over those weeks extended to the rest of the house.  With Dela doing most of the grunt work, I was able to go up and down the stairs and time to tackle my wardrobes, cupboards and sundry items upstairs. I had loathed to let go of any of them for years.  Colin and Della accumulated my discarded items into large bags, boxes and in a pile inside the entrance hall.  Those things were to be packed into Colin’s car, for dumping or delivery to the St George’s Charity shop in Cancelada village.  I had noticed that Colin included a collection of empty plastic hangers in the heap.  I hated wasting them and sneakily tried to claim them back while nobody looked.  Unfortunately, Colin had spotted me hobbling off into the distance with a number of hangers under my good arm.  I had been busted!  He shouted, “what the heck do you think you’re doing?”, as he caught up and wrestled them away from me.  I was adamant that I needed them. He accused me of being stubborn and being a “toot collector”.  I was very serious at the time. He caught me red handed, but we’ve giggled at the memory since.

Walk about Park Beach

Walk Around the Block – 4th May: I still needed supervision and help when I went on my walks with Colin or Della.  However, I was able to regularly totter around the neighbouring Park Beach complex (without a rest stop), which had been about 1km.  I felt really proud of myself, even though my style of walking had left a lot to be desired.  I had no flexibility in my left ankle and my leg remained straight. When I bent the knee it was difficult.  I had to slam down my bad leg, while I operated my good leg normally.  It hadn’t been a pretty sight, as I laboured along the very slow process.  I honestly had no idea how Colin and Della continued in their patience with me.  We began to time these sessions. I went from 45 minutes, down to 30 minutes.  I know it doesn’t sound much for a normal person, but for me it had been a huge achievement.

Michelle & Me

Girlie Lunch – 6th May: I made arrangements to have a “Girlie Lunch” with Michelle.  She kindly picked me up in her car and we decided to go to Kok Thai restaurant again.  I know, it probably wasn’t too imaginative of us, but we both loved their food.  Michelle had difficulty in parking near to the restaurant, so I didn’t mind trying to walk the distance.  As I was still unsteady, I had to hang onto Michelle for support.  We had a few laughs when I struggled to go up and down some steps, but we eventually managed.  It had been a fun and giggly lunch together and I felt so grateful that she had been kind enough with her patience and time to take me out, so Colin didn’t have to work around his daily schedule to drive me.  When we made our way back to the car, it had been even funnier.  I discovered that if I laughed too much, I would lose control of my bladder.  Michelle made me laugh more when she told me that I had better bring a spare pair of knickers the next time I planned to go out!

Golf Friends Lunch – 9th May

left to right – Gill, Maria, Maggie, Brian, Colin, Jeff, Ian, Shirley and Me

Our golfing buddies came back to Spain, so Colin and I arranged to meet up with them.  Through our previous weekly golf society, we have played golf together for years.  We had gathered a wonderful mix of well over 200 hundred members who were resident or owned holiday homes, men and women of various handicaps, regular and seasonal clients.  We arranged friendly weekly competitions at different golf clubs each week.  Over time, a number of us liked, and joined, El Paraiso golf club.  Our gang decided to try the new “La Locanda” pizza and pasta place in Benamara.  It was owned by a delightful Italian family. Colin and I were pleased to recommend another pizza and pasta place away from our previously owned restaurant, with friends. It had been a lovely sunny day with our table seated in their covered outside terrace area. The food had been good and it was wonderful that we had caught up with everyone.

Renewed pink passport

New passport arrived: After all the fuss of preparation of my dreadful photo session, the application on line, I was pleasantly surprised when my new passport arrived from the UK.  It had been an excellent online service and I would thoroughly recommend the system.  I loved that I had been given the usual pink coloured European passport. I had read in the British news that they would revert back to the old blue ones due to the “Brexit” conflict.  The awful thing was that I had been stuck with the dreadful new photo for the next 10 years!  Shame I couldn’t change it.  As usual, Colin told me not to be so vain ……

Goodbye old shoes

Goodbye Old Walking Shoes – Hello New ones – 12th May

My usual walking shoes got rather worn and tatty.  It had been a good sign that I had used them regularly.  

Hello New Shoes

Colin said I had to replace them.  My previous ones had been easy to put on and take off, as they had velcro fasteners. I had understandably developed a loathing to fumbling with laces so Colin got me a new pair of slip-ons. 

I had also been treated to a brand new casual outfit, as the weather became warmer.  I felt a bit more “sporty”.  However, I knew anyone looking at me knew that I couldn’t break out into a jog ……

Hacienda – Tax Office: Colin and I always paid our taxes for years as residents and owners of businesses in Spain.  Unfortunately, the faceless, dark suited, pen-pushing bureaurocrats in Malaga hadn’t taken into account, nor cared, that we struggled to pay their demands while I was incapcitated.  Poor Colin had juggled these demands, while he tried to get our business back on track, coped with the loss of my regular income and met the mounting medical bills over the past few months.  No wonder he got more than a little stressed out!  We received a letter that stated I was of “Caracter Negativo” (negative character), because we hadn’t paid certain taxes on time!  I was furious as they made demands on our limited finances, while we strived to cope with everything else.  It seemed that the authorities simply had not cared about my serious illness, as long as they got their money in the end.  Colin got me to go through a load of documents and search for certain tax papers, to take to our tax assesors.  In Spain, the Hacienda (tax office) had the power to debit your bank account, irrespective if you were left with just a few euros in your account.  In the old days, I would have immediately known which files to look for, however, since the recent streamlining and declutter of my office I became a little confused. My slow thinking, struggles and fumbles with papers and folders became a problem.  Colin began to get pretty impatient and voiced his exasperation out loud.  I knew he felt frustrated but I was equally frustrated, more confused and began to get upset.

A Bit Upset and frustrated: After I eventually found the right documents, I quietly climbed onto the cycling machine, while Colin made his way out to the car to take them to our tax assessors.  I felt really downhearted and bothered with myself, as I inexplicably started to cry while cycling.  The frustration and emotion of being useless took it’s toll. As I hated that cycling machine so much, I regarded the exercise as a kind of punishment for having been so slow and incapable.  Colin must have sensed something was wrong, because he came back inside, hugged and kissed my wet face and said, “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to be so short with you.  It wasn’t your fault”.  All was forgiven but I couldn’t help crying even more.  After he left, I hated what I had become …..

Early Doors Meeting Place – 14th May

Left to right – Gill, me, Brian, Paul, Maggie, Colin and Jeff

We lived conveniently close to the Villacana complex and a popular Spanish bar and restaurant, called “Gregorio’s”.  Colin and I often met up with friends there for early drinks after golf or before dinner.  Today was my first visit of the year as our American friend, Paul, briefly passed by during a brief inspection of his property in north Spain.  Our group expanded as we also met up again with others while the sun went down.  

Medical Appointment in Malaga – 16th May: We had to be in Malaga for an 10.00 am appointment with Dr Hamad.  He had to assess my condition since I had been released at the end of January. He also had to look over the results from my recent MRI scan from a few weeks ago.  As Colin has never been good to drive on the motorway and long distances, our lovely friends, John and Anisa, kindly collected us and were good company on the journey to Malaga.  I felt naturally nervous as this would be the first time meeting Dr Hamad since I lay ½ paralysed months ago.  However, I felt quite excited when I saw the expression on his face when I managed to hobble into the consulting room.  It was obvious that he was surprised to see me on my feet and I felt more relaxed to hear the results of the tests and his opinion.  Apparently, my brain bleed appeared to have slightly reduced, so he was pretty content.   He said that I had progressed very well, keep doing what I had been doing and he didn’t need to see me until November, after the next scheduled MRI scan.  When we mentioned the increasing pains and spasms that I developed at night, he stated that it had been perfectly normal and a good sign.  I told him that the pain had been so severe that I just couldn’t sleep sometimes.  As he couldn’t recommend stronger pain killers, he advised ibuprofane or paracetemol.  I felt a little disappointed as I had hoped that he would come up with some wonder pills in mind.

Celebration Lunch: We all had been happy with the medical outcome, so decided to go for a beach lunch in Estepona.  I was naughty and celebrated with a glass of white sangria, which Colin watered down with con gas (fizzy water) and plenty of ice.  I was past caring.  A celebration, was a celebration, and I felt very happy to share it with Colin and our lovely friends.

Prospect of a Dog! – Friday 17th May

Puppy – No Way!: Colin had been out on his friday night drinking with buddies at the “Terrace Bar & Restaurant”. The place also fostered rescue dogs, puppies and worked on finding them new homes.  Colin took a shine to one black and white puppy, which had been dumped in a drain with his sister.  Colin became so besotted with him, he had some photos on his phone to show me.  I raised my hand up and told him, “stop””.  Not only had I never owned a dog in my life, we already had two cats at home.  I had been adamant and told Colin, “No way”.

Sneaky Sunday BBQ Introduction: The following Sunday, Colin suggested a Sunday BBQ lunch at the Terrace. I agreed it was a good idea, as had been a beautiful sunny day.   The place was relatively busy and Colin arranged for us to sit with some people outside.  The smells from the BBQ were very tempting and I saw a choice of sausages, burgers and pieces of chicken cooking.  On the side was a table that offered all sorts of salads and sauces.  When the meat was ready, people queued with their empty plates and cutlery.  Colin went to get a selection on a plate for the both of us to share, so I didn’t have to get up.  That was my first BBQ of the year and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Out came the Puppies!: Later, I saw a number of people with puppies.  I took one look at Colin, when I spied the black and white one from his previous photos.  The sneaky so and so had planned this all along!  When the puppy was brought over to me, he was placed on my lap, I just couldn’t help myself.  I looked into those dark, watery eyes and became totally hooked.  He was so adorable and I refused to let him go of him to make sure he wouldn’t be passed onto another table for adpotion, so I grinned and told Colin, “OK”.  From that moment, we named him “Oscar”, after Colin’s Marbella night club from the 1980’s.  I had been disappointed that we couldn’t take Oscar home with us straight away.  He had to undergo a number of injections and Colin had to arrange the proper adoption procedure.  We were told that we might have to wait over a week or so.  Colin was delighted.  He reasoned that Oscar would be good company during the day, and a great companion for me when I would go on my walks.  I agreed, but had been shocked that I actually agreed to have a dog.  What on earth would our cats think?

My New Therapy Dog – 31st May: After I impatiently waited for Oscar, we were ready to officially adopt from A.D.A.N.A . (Association for the Rights of Abandoned Animals), a charitable organisation.  I had been so excited to see Oscar and amazed how much he had grown in such a short time.  I got wise to the fact that Colin had “fibbed” that Oscar wouldn’t grow to very big.  The indications made me realize that he would be much bigger than anticipated!  Too late, I had fallen for the pup, forgave Colin and couldn’t wait to take Oscar to his “Forever Home”.  I was still pretty nervous of how the cats would react though!

First time in Our Garden: Oscar had been cute as he sniffed around, but had to “christen” our garden, which had not been so cute!  Both our cats were cautious and quietly growled as they tip-toed around him.  Poor Oscar became so inquisitive and eager to play with these creatures, but they soon let him know what they had thought of him and chased him around the garden.  No harm done. It was rather funny when I saw this lively puppy, substantially larger than the cats, ruled by them.  I had been terrified that “Spooky” and “Lucky” would move out in protest, but they oddly overlooked their animosity for each other and became united in their protest against the puppy.  Poor Oscar …..

Please view next page 20 at link “Condition, More Active & New Puppy”: https://www.rebootinglinda.com/update-on-my-condition-more-activity-and-chaos-with-a-new-puppy/

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20. Condition, More Active & New Puppy


After 6 months, I thought it would be helpful to re-cap on my general condition with my medication, blood pressure, bad leg, bad arm, head, pains, speech and how I felt in general:

Medication: Every morning I took a medium sized yellow tablet called, Enalapril, which was round, film coated, treated blood pressure in combination with other medication.  At night I took a smaller red tablet, called Enalapril Davur, which was also film coated and reduced my blood pressure.  In addition, I took a small white capsule, called Pregnabalina Ranbaxy, which was to help with pain management.

Blood Pressure: In the mornings I donned on the blood pressure armband the same time, each day.  I religiously noted my pressure statistics to show Dr Hamad for our next meeting.  From what I knew, the report from our recent meeting hadn’t been too bad but I wanted improvement.  Dr Hamad had noted that my blood pressure waivered a little, but seemed pleased that it had remained at a good level so that was the reason for my daily diary of blood pressure for the next time I would see him.

Bad Leg: I still walked very slowly and purposefully.  The left leg continued to be annoyingly stiff.  However, I was able to bend it slightly whenever I sat, lay down or forced it to bend with my good hand.  I just couldn’t get it to naturally bend very well while I walked. I limped with a straight leg and still had to kick the thing out to the side, or drag it along when I was tired. I tackled the stairs while I gripped the stair rail with my good hand, and took each step one at a time.  I hadn’t the confidence to let go completely, tackle the stairs freely for fear if I fell down and broke my neck down those tiled steps.  Another thing that was irritating me, was that my bad leg kept juddering uncontrollably when I sat down or stood still for too long.  It became quite embarrassing at times, as I had to firmly push my leg and foot down with my good hand to steady myself.  It was like somebody had flicked a switch to set me off, when I sat or stood. I sometimes looked like a quivering wreck!  Either that, or I must have looked incredibly excited at times!  Colin and Della drummed into me that I had to accept it and take things slowly.

Bad Ankle: Not much flexibility there.  The strange thing was that my ankle was quite supple whenever I moved it up and down, side to side with my good hand. However, I couldn’t move it naturally at will.   Each time I manipulated my ankle with my good hand, there had been no problem or pain, but it automatically sprang back into place, like an elastic rubber in my hand.  Nothing happened if I tried to move the ankle naturally, so it was very irritating over time.   I forced myself to try to stand on my tip toes, lifted myself up, while I held onto the back of the sofa, window or the dining table. A great effort for nothing! Sometimes, exercises would end abruptly as I buckled under the weight onto the floor.  I always had to call Colin to pick me up again – horrible …………

Bad Arm: My fingers had movement but they were robotic and clumsy.  I still wasn’t able to grip anything very much with that hand, which was very frustrating.  I thought I had improved, but the darned item that I tried to grip would just slip out of my hand!  I tried to work on raising my arm, but I couldn’t get it any higher than shoulder level.  I kept trying but couldn’t force it, unless I supported it up with my good hand.  The pain that shot up my back, across my shoulder, then down the rest of the arm was very unpleasant.   My God, I felt like a complete geriatric, as I would end in sweats and rasped for breath after the smallest of tasks.  How could I feel like this?  I used to be so active, and walked the golf course often before! I had been reduced to fight for breath if I tried to reach out to grab something!  I tried to remain positive, but it was hard when I had trouble lifting a glass.  I felt dejected, but Colin and Della wouldn’t allow me to be downcast. They snapped me back to a better mood with their usual insults and jovial banter.  If it hadn’t been for the laughter in the house, usually at my expense, I think I might have allowed myself to wallow into a world of self pity.   There was little point in getting depressed but, to be frank, I never actually considered going down that road.  I had been dealt a strange hand in the game of life.  I just had to try a bit harder and try to get back to normal.  Nobody can say, “I can’t”, unless they had tried.   So, as I no longer was nimble, I partly accepted my new limitations, for the time being,  continued until hopefully “some time when” ……

My Head: That was another thing.  It continued to be sore and felt like I wore a hard hat, two sizes too small, or almost as if my pony tail had been tied far too tight.  This sensation was constant every day.  It was a constant tight throbbing feeling all over my head.  It became pretty distracting and impossible to ignore at times.  I found it hard to concentrate as conversations flew around me or while I worked on my exercises.  Nevertheless, I wouldn’t let that spoil any fun.  Dr Hamad had previously stated that my brain bleed had slightly reduced, so hopefully, with time, it would go away altogether.  I just didn’t want to continue popping pills every time I had a bad spasm or pain, so I kept my fingers crossed (on my right hand of course) for better times ahead.

Leg & Arm Night Pain: Most of the day I could cope, but it got to the point when I dreaded going to bed.  When I went to sleep, it was no problem.  However, if I moved in my sleep, changed my position, my leg, arm and back developed a mind of their own.  My body would stiffen and my leg and arm would stretch out involuntarily for a few seconds.  It felt like some strange creature tried to break out of my body in one of those werewolf movies.  Colin had done his best to calm me down, but I always felt awful when my cries of pain or alarm would disturb his sleep.  Colin swore he would try to find something to help give me peace and rest.  


Well, enough of the negativity.  I thought that, if you might find yourself in the same situation, you will want to know there will be pain, sleepless nights, anger, frustration and also some frightening times while you improve.   Nevertheless, it has been said, “no pain, no gain”. You need to soldier on.   It was important to consider others in my company.  When people asked me,“how are you?”, I knew it was out of politeness, but surely they didn’t want a full list of ailments, aches and pains.   Boring!   What was important was that if I had improved, people could see that for themselves and it was nice for it to be recognised.  I decided to concentrate on the positive side of things.  If I felt there hadn’t been any improvement, I said, “I’m fine”, I’m getting there”or just, “I’m a work in progress”.

2nd JUNE – My Speech Needed Working On!: I still had trouble speaking normally.  What had been in my head, never sounded right when it came out of my mouth.  However, I was convinced that Colin was conveniently deaf too! 

He loved watching stuff like the “X Factor”, which had been fair as I made him suffer through “Masterchef” and other cookery programs.  On this occasion, it was the finals of “Britain’s Got Talent”, so I was forced to watch it with him.  Part way through the acts, I told Colin that one of the magicians had been “predictable”.  Colin sat bolt upright, looked at me with surprise and said, “how did you know he’s a peadophile?”.  Honestly!  I could have started a nasty rumour that way!

Our Strange Conversations: To be honest, Colin and I always had strange conversations in the past.  On one occasion, the blame was mine.   Years ago, I came home from supermarket shopping and mentioned that I had seen our friend Margitta.  She told me that her husband, Mario, had lost a lot of weight on a special diet.  Colin asked me “where?”.  I told him, “by the fruit and veg counter”.  We both looked blankly at each other, and both said ,“what?”.  He had meant where had Mario lost the weight, not where I saw Margitta.  I guess that became another one of my “Linda moments”.

3rd June – Carefree: Della and I decided to explore further afield.  We extended my walk around the Park Beach complex down to the beach.  It had been a beautiful day and we both had fun.  When we got to the beach, I wasn’t able to tackle the sand, so I enjoyed the view of the sea from a distance.  We larked around with a pole from a road feature at the end of the cul de sac.  I posed as a “pole dancer”, and stood on my good leg.  It had been silly, but we both kept giggling, as we larked about.  I certainly wouldn’t pass an audition for the real thing.

7th JUNE – My “Rock”: Our friend Kirstin kindly shared a lovely photo she had taken of us sometime from the past.  I really loved it, as it showed us very happy together as normal.  It reminded me of how much of a “Rock” Colin has been for me since my attack.  He really cared for me very well through the past six months.  Anyway, since my attack, we also laughed a lot and he always held my hand in case I fell, while he always said, ” I got you”, which made me feel safe and secure ….

13th JUNE – Got Engaged Again: As my fingers were swollen since my attack, I hadn’t been able to wear my engagement or wedding rings.  Today was the first time Colin put the engagement ring back to where it belonged.  Unfortunately, my finger was still too big for the wedding ring to fit but that hadn’t mattered.  At least I could wear one of my rings.  My next goal was to wait until the swelling went down properly, then we would be able to get the wedding ring back on.  Although I was disappointed that I couldn’t wear both, it felt great to have at least one of them back on.  Guess that meant we got engaged again, but Colin made it very clear that he wouldn’t go through any renewals of our vows.  The spoilsport!

From left – Colin,Brian, Jeff, Dennis, Gill , Me, Maggie, Gill, Maria & Ian

14th JUNE – Golf Friends Get Together: As I had been home “stir crazy” again, we arranged to get together with some of our golf buddies for early door drinks at Gregorio’s in Villacana.  It was a sunny and warm evening as we supped and had a good catch up.  As usual, it got a bit late and things went on for a while, so most of us split up to return to our own homes.

15th JUNE – High Five

It had been a while since my last video clip, so I thought I would share my latest improvement.  It was a bit of a windy day, so for those that couldn’t make out what I said,  “Morning Campers.   Sorry I’ve been housebound the last 2 weeks, but it’s been for a good reason because I’ve been stepping up my exercises. Before I could only do this (raised my bad arm to shoulder height), but now I can do that (raised my bad arm above my head). Woo Hoo!”.  To be honest, although I could raise my arm , my shoulder had done most of the work.  At least I tried for the first time.  It was funny as Oscar “video bombed” me in the background.


Training a new puppy this past month definitely had its challenges and a great deal of patience on my part.  Colin never told me what to expect!

Escape Artist: We had to limit Oscar’s movements in the house.  On the first night, we locked him in the office but he was small enough to squeeze through the security grills, somehow climbed the stairs, ended up on our bed, woke us due to the growling greeting of our cats and licked our faces.  I felt awful when Colin returned him back to the office and locked the sliding doors.  It felt even worse when I heard him whimpering downstairs, but Colin told me it was like a new baby, we had to ignore and Oscar would learn that we wouldn’t come every time he cried and eventually would go to sleep.  I still felt cruel and hadn’t completely been convinced.  Oscar was also small enough to escape through the “cat hole”, from our office wall into the garden, but we kept the sliding doors locked from the office to the lounge at night to ensure he couldn’t get back into the main part of the house again.

Lock up your Toilet Rolls: There were plenty of times when Oscar had the freedom of the rest of the downstairs of the house during the day, whenever we were around to supervise his activities.   Unfortunately, he managed to sneak into the downstairs W.C and ended up running around the lounge and garden with a toilet roll wrapped around him, unravelling as he wandered off!  He definitely was our black and white version of the Andrex puppy, from the TV advert.  It was such a mess and something told me this was only the beginning of his mischief ……

Shoe Fetish: All my shoes had to be locked away, as Oscar developed a liking to pinch them and hiding on top of our lounge pouffe.  Not even Colin’s shoes had been safe! Lord, “Butter wouldn’t melt” with that face of his.  How could anyone be angry with him?   Such a cute and innocent face.

Bed Time: Oscar had taken a liking to sleeping in the cat’s bed, especially as they no longer used it because of sleeping on our bed at night.  In just a few weeks he had certainly grown since he first arrived, and it looked as if he would be outgrowing the bed pretty soon.

First Time on the Beach: Colin and I walked Oscar to the beach for the first time.  As I couldn’t walk on the sand, I stayed on the pavement while Colin took Oscar towards the edge of the sea.  We felt pretty nervous to let him run about without his leash, because of his naughty nature, so Colin kept the leash on him.  It was so cute when I watched Oscar as he hid behind Colin’s legs and ran back away from the water, when the waves came flowing back in.    It was great to see “my two boys” appear to bond together.

Speed Walking: Della and I took Oscar along with us on our walk.  Della did all the hard work, until I was allowed to try to hold onto the leash for a few seconds.  I had no choice in the “speed walking” with that bundle of never ending energy at the end of my leash.  He was in such a hurry to move forward, I nearly fell over, so it was safer for Della to take over.  I loved the opportunity to pretend at being an owner of a new puppy.  However, I was not impressed when he presented me with a dead rat though ……

Please view next page 21 at link “1st Dance, Active, Cooking & Friends”: https://www.rebootinglinda.com/first-public-dance-cooking-more-and-friendly-get-togethers/

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We would love to hear from you and appreciate if you will “Share” your comments or experience with us. This will help us make a compilation of stories to help others to give hope and encouragement for their journey to recovery.

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21. 1st Dance, Active, Cooking & Friends

John & Anisa 10th Anniversary Celebration & 1st Time Dancing in Public – 23 June

John & Anisa

I forgot to mention that Colin and I had been invited to celebrate John and Anisa’s 10th wedding Anniversary.  Like the last party, it was held in their garden.  There was the same crowd, live music by our friend Dennis, a lovely sunny day and another offering of delicious Indonesian food.  This time, I was able to walk a little better than the previous party.  It was great that people had noticed the improvement in me, which meant I hadn’t felt as self conscious as before.  Although I walked better, I still had to hang onto something or someone to tackle any steps or on the soft grass area.  There was a lovely and friendly atmosphere and the time passed by so quickly before it started to get dark.  John had cleared some chairs and tables off the terrace area and guests started to dance to a wide variety of songs from Dennis.  I felt in such a great mood, I was confident enough to join some of the girls for a dance.  Colin was a bit shocked, but smiled as I carried on for a bit. He chuckled as I developed a new and peculiar style of dancing while I kept balance by holding onto a table or nearest dancer.  I really was past caring how it looked.  I danced for the first time in public!  After a few numbers, the songs slowed down, so Colin came up to join me.  That was the first time we had danced together in months. It was a pretty special moment for us both.  In spite of being absolutely shattered when we got home, I had a magical time and was really happy ….

Matt & Andrea’s Family BBQ – 2nd July

indonesian chicken satay with satay sauce

We were kindly invited over for a family Sunday BBQ afternoon at our friends, Matt and Andrea, with their lovely 3 kids.  I always hated going to someone’s place empty handed.  I spent that morning to try to prepare some Indonesian chicken kebabs (satay) with peanut (satay) sauce.  It took me a while to cube the chicken fillets, marinate them, while I tried not to stab myself with the skewers before baking them.  It was a pretty slow and awkward process.  Colin kept checking on me, but I stubbornly “shooed” him out of our kitchen. It was important to me that we contributed something toward their food.  Everyone was charming and sweetly concerned about my welfare.  They seemed to have enjoyed my sate/ kebabs, as they asked for the recipe.  Such a lovely and warm family and we had a wonderful and relaxing day with them.

Monday “Naughty Girls” – 2nd July

Left to right: Me, Barbara, Pat, Darleen, Gill, Sue, June, Doreen, Marie, Anne, Shirley & Dawn

I met with some of my golfing mates for drinks and nibbles, after the usual “Monday Roll Up” at El Paraiso Golf Club.  It was great reuniting with the girls, then Doreen, the Lady Captain made her speech and announced the prize winners. 

Doreen and Me

Surprise Bouquet: What came next, absolutely floored me.  Doreen mentioned to the group that I had joined the girls, then presented me with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. Most of the gang had chipped in to buy it.  I felt so overwhelmed and extremely touched by their wonderful gesture, I choked and became too emotional to say a public, “Thank You”.  Words could not express my gratefulness for such good friends and generosity of those girls.  Talk about support and encouragement!

Officer Wrecker – 4th July

The mini beast managed to wreak havoc in our office area.  I couldn’t turn my back for 5 minutes before it resulted in absolute mayhem!  However, I couldn’t help laughing either, especially as I looked into his “butter wouldn’t melt” eyes.  He had me totally under his paw!

Homemade Paella “Linda Style” – 6th July

I actually got to grips & managed to produce a Paella of Chicken, King Prawns & Veg myself, with Colin chopping up my ingredients again!  Poor Colin had to wait a while before trying it because I was a bit slow in the kitchen. However, I later got the thumbs up sign, when he tasted it.  This had encouraged me to try and cook more.  Although I would be slow and limited in movement, I could at least attempt to do some normal things around the house more.

Colin’s Birthday 7th July

It was a low key celebration but I just had to post on social media, “Wishing a Fabulous day to this Wonderful Love – was holding my hand firmly 3 years ago as we danced and still does as we danced recently, but more slowly 🙂  I’m a Lucky Girl – Happy Birthday Darling xxx”.  It had to be said!

My First Golf Pitching Attempt – 12th July

I itched to get back to playing golf, so I had a few attempts at swinging the club.  As you could see from Della’s video clip, I wasn’t too good, but at least I managed not to fall over!  It wasn’t a great start but I swung my bad arm a little bit more.  My good arm did most of the leading!   I obviously needed more improvement but I challenged my golf pals on social media to anyone who would like to do a pitching competition with me, however, they had to swing one handed to give me a fair chance!

Knitting Therapy – 15th July

I thought I would tackle knitting again.  As my darling puppy had managed to destroy my previous knitting project, I had to start all over again. I thought it could improve my left hand grip. On my 1st attempt in early recovery, a few months ago, I nearly poked my eye out! I since tried very, very slowly and was quite pleased with myself. However, Colin’s description of my knitting effort was “Knit one, drop two”.   Cheek!

Faster Cycling – 21st July

When I first began on that dreaded cycling machine, it had been to strengthen my left leg.   I had a slow average of 10- 12 RPM (Rotations Per Minute) at the time, which was pathetically slow indeed.  However, from the dark photo, you could just make out that I managed to get up to 40 – 48 RPM today. Whey Hey!  The “Tour de France” was going on at the time, but I felt like a winner anyway.

Over 30 Years Friendship – 25th July

Our dear friends, Lynne and Peter, came over for a short time from the UK.  It was wonderful to arrange a get together lunch at La Sala Beach Club.  We’ve been friends for over 30 years. 

La Sala was situated at the end of a private cul de sac. As the place was always busy, a lot of cars were parked along the street, so we had to park quite far away. I was really thankful for their golf buggy service that drove us up to the entrance, because I wasn’t sure if I could walk that far. However, we had a long passage to walk along before we reached the Beach Club. I actually managed it under my own steam, but I had to hold onto Colin when we came to some steps to go down. I felt pretty proud of myself! During lunch, we shared many memories of birthdays, family holidays in Thailand and other occasions over the years.  They were wonderful times of laughter and I really enjoyed our catch up.

Music Festival & 2nd Time Dancing in Public – 29th July

Left to right: David, Ron, ??; Gill, Me, Tracey, Tricia, Colin and Brian.

A group of us went to the “Chilli Festival” at the Chilli Farm in Estepona.  This consisted of a BBQ, drinks and live music by a few local entertainers.  It was great to see another group of friends arrive with John and Anisa, so we ended up as one larger group.  Such a fun day with lovely friends, great food, friendly service and fabulous entertainment by our friend, Denis, and a new guy called  Vicus.   I felt a bit strange, when I sat alone, while everyone got up to help themselves to the BBQ. Colin helped himself to 2 of everything so that we could eat from one plate. We were conscious of the fact that it probably looked a bit greedy to strangers, but sure they must have realised when he returned to me to make it clear his plate was for 2 people.

There was a great party atmosphere and I actually felt confident enough to have a few dances that day! My second public performance!

Please view next page 22 at link “Solo Walk, Exercise, Medical & Updates”: https://www.rebootinglinda.com/first-solo-walk-more-exercising-medical-updates-cooking-and-socialising/

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22. Solo Walk, Exercise, Medical & Updates

Joking Around

My sense of humour wouldn’t suit everyone but I had to giggle. Della started to cut and dry my hair after she helped with the cleaning in our bedroom.  I noticed that she had left some cleaning products on my dressing table, so I couldn’t resist some fun on social media and posted a photo with,  “I have plenty of cosmetics but Cillit Bang & Fly Spray are not included.  Thought it was funny that somebody left them on my dresser – could be a hint to change my beauty regime 🙂 Hee Hee ….”.  Well, it’s important to maintain a sense of humour ……

Medical Check Up with Social Services

I had a medical Check up appointment in Malaga with social services.  As I hadn’t been able to work since my attack, I guess they had to check that I wasn’t faking my condition.  Unfortunately, quite a few people have faked in the past, which made it more difficult for genuine cases. 

I felt really nervous, but shouldn’t have worried.  The staff were pleasant and helpful.  They assured me that there was nothing wrong, wanted to update my condition and made a new appointment for a few months later.  The whole system proved to be really excellent.  A couple of days before my due appointment, I received a text reminder to confirm the date and time.  Next time I won’t be quite so apprehensive.  I certainly had no complaints about the treatment I received through the national Spanish health system.  It was fortunate that, as Colin and I are Spanish residents and paid our taxes, we receive treatment through the National Health System, or it could have cost us a small fortune in private medical bills.  Apart from the hospital “Night Witches and the Sadist Nurse”, I have to say that I’ve had excellent treatment and care during, and after my time in the hospital.

My First Solo Walk – 4th August: I told Colin that I would go upstairs for a siesta (Spanish afternoon nap).  When I got ready for bed, I looked out of the window onto the garden below, saw a bright sunny day and a clear blue sky.  I thought, “What am I doing?”.  Why on earth was I wasting my time on a beautiful day, when I could have been outdoors to appreciate just being out?  After that, I got dressed, laced up my training shoes (with the usual fumble) and went downstairs.  Colin said, “I thought you’d gone to bed!”, so I told him that I felt like trying to go for a walk alone.  He said, “are you crazy?  What if you fall?”.  I told him I was confident that my balance had improved and that I was determined to see if I could do it.  Besides, if I did have a fall, I could always call him as my “phone a friend” on my mobile phone if I got into difficulties.  It probably sounded very stubborn of me, and you would probably be right.  However, I just felt the urge to try and not waste the beautiful day.

The Walk and My Reward: It was much scarier than I had anticipated, several times I really wished that I hadn’t been so reckless and foolhardy.  What on earth was I thinking?  Although my balance had improved, my bad leg was still straight, dragged behind and my ankle wouldn’t show much flexibility.  I had no one to hang onto this time, and to get through the hilly sections proved to be a bit frightening.  I managed to grab onto anything at hand, like a wall, lamp post, even the odd rubbish skip, for my balance as I inched myself along.   I took a deep breath when I eventually got around the walk unscathed in the end.   Colin was concerned that I hadn’t called him after 30 minutes but, as he heard me at the front door, he sweetly surprised me with a chilled opened bottle of my favourite rosé wine to celebrate the occasion.  What a man!  I certainly needed it by then ………..

Both Hands Free – 9th August

Although still very stiff, I wanted to show that I could move my bad arm higher than my head to wash my hair in the shower.  Before then, I had struggled to lift my bad arm high enough to touch my nose, so I posted, “Able to stand freely in the shower without having to grab a rail for support was wonderful.  To wash my hair with both hands was priceless 🙂 ”.  I just wanted to keep positive and let people know that I was making slow progress.

Cooked Chicken Madras Curry – 12th August

My chopping skills were still not up to my old ways, but I managed to master the mini electric chopping machine. I got to grips with the chicken and other ingredients without any harm.  It took me absolutely ages to prepare and cook, but I managed to present a half decent meal of chicken madras, poppadums, and onion relish on the side. Colin had been extremely patient, as I had plenty sit down breaks due to back ache. Eventually, I was able to present him with my dishes, which actually turned out alright and went down pretty well. Prepared by his favourite one handed chef – hee hee …….

Friend from Afar: The same day, my friend, Maggie, from the UK and I celebrated 8 years of friendship on social media.  She kindly posted “To a friend who has enormous courage and determination! So proud of you! Xxx”.  I was so very touched by that.  Actually, no courage involved on my part.  I merely did what most people would have done in my position – just fought for some normality.  However, I really appreciated the sentiment. 

Longest Walk Yet – 14th August: Colin and I took Oscar out for a walk.  I should have said, he had taken us for a stroll!  We opted for a different route, much longer than my usual “round the block” destination.  We passed our friend’s, Gregorio’s home, (owner of “Gregorio’s”) where we normally met with friends for drinks in Villacana.   He had chickens that roamed freely on his land and it was funny to watch Oscar’s reaction to these strange live, clucking creatures.  We walked past the mini market that we used to own many years ago.  It was so nice to see our old staff still working there and we had a nice reunion, got a few things, introduced them all to Oscar, our new baby.   I hadn’t walked for a while, as I had lost my confidence when I previously fell and twisted my bad ankle. The good news was that I had went for my longest walk yet. I noted on the app on my phone and walked 2.5 Km and 3,567 steps! No wonder I was shattered! 

Dodgy App!: A few days later, the same app on my phone hadn’t recorded my cycling exercises on top of my usual walk.  It indicated to me, “less sitting and more exercising”.  The cheek!  Even after walking with Oscar and Colin, I had done 2 x 15 minute sessions on the exercise bike, which represented a total of 6 km.  I was miffed that the phone app failed miserably to record it!

Medical Update – 21st August: We had another appointment in Malaga for a scan, before we were due to see Dr Hamad in a few months.  As Colin still didn’t like to drive that distance, John and Anisa kindly brought us.  I felt awful that they, and Colin, had to sit in the waiting room, while I had my scan session.  This time, I had to get undressed and wear their standard blue gown, plastic hat (like a shower cap) and blue plastic booties (shower cap for feet).  Although I felt rather vulnerable, uncertain and strange in unfamiliar surroundings, the staff were very helpful and friendly.  A young man guide me to their machine, gave me an injection and explained that he would monitor me during my session.   Lucky me!! He was very gentle and reassuring, as he slid me into their scanner machine. 

This clinic and scanning machine were very modern.   The nice young man explained he would play an animated cartoon above my head on the wall behind. In the reflection of a mirror above my head during my session.  I hadn’t felt the same enclosed and claustrophobic sensations of before sessions, as everything had been kindly explained to me at each stage.

The Session: The animation began with a beach view, palm trees and falling coconuts at intervals. There was also a speed boat that travelled from left to right, and back in circles in the background.  I was told over a loud speaker that my session would take around 40 – 50 minutes to complete, so I should relax and get comfortable.  Since it would take so long, I began to count the amount of falling coconuts and how many times the speed boat went past mentally and on my fingers.  The nice male nurse kept talking over the loud speaker telling me how much time was left.  At the end of my session, I told the guy that I had counted 183 falling coconuts and 20 times the boat had gone round in circles.  He laughed at me, as it had been the first time anyone had ever mentioned it.  He told me to make sure I took 2 litres of liquid in the following 2 to 3 hours.  I cheekily told him, I planned to go for a beach lunch with Colin, John and Anisa so what about a bit of wine.  He smiled and said, “go on then”.

Celebration Lunch: The four of us went for lunch at a beach bar, close to where we lived, called “La Antigua”.  They had closed for major renovation over a year ago, so it was nice to be at their “Soft-Opening”.  Everything had definitely changed, but it was an excellent lunch, served by nice staff.  It was a lovely time to relax and I celebrated getting over my latest medical ordeal. By the way, I was holding a glass of rosé wine, diluted with fizzy water!

Dancing a Few years ago

I had a lovely surprise when my friend from the UK shared on socal media an old video of Colin and me dancing at our golf friend’s celebration, Susan’s special birthday.  It was a wonderful memory of how Colin I used to dance and it made me even more determined to dance the same way again some time soon.  Such a shame I didn’t get a copy but thank you June, I had forgotten about that time xx

More Cycling – 23rd August

Most knew by then how I hated that cycling machine of ours.  I thought I would show how I continued to persevere and demonstrate my cycling improvement.  Each time I reached a 15 minute session, which represented 3 km, I celebrated with a cheer and raised my arms in the air. I actually managed to achieve 3 x 15 minute sessions a day sometimes.  Not every day though! …..

“Naughty Girls” Get Together Again – 27th August

Yet another great lunch to catch up with my lovely “Naughty Girls Golf” friends at the club yesterday. I surprised them with a logo I had designed and printed on a golf cap.   I think they liked it. Some wanted to know where I got it from!  It was just a fun thing to do ….

Some girls had noticed that I had more movement in my bad arm and spoke slightly better. Although I couldn’t cut anything with a knife, I could raise my bad hand up better. I still ate one handed, but I felt a little more normal than our previous get together. Bit by bit ……..

Trying Out CBD Oil

Tried CBD Oil: Colin met one of our advertisers and obtained some “CBD Oil” (Cannabidiol). It was descibed as, “a natural compound” found in the resinous flower of cannabis, a plant with a rich history as a medicine, that goes back thousands of years. The therapeutic properties of CBD are being tested and confirmed by scientists and doctors around the world. It was a safe non-addictive substance. CBD is one of more than a hundred “phytocannabinoids,” which are unique to cannabis and endow the plant with its robust therapeutic profile”. 

Reason For Trying It: Colin had been concerned with the sleepless nights and amount of pain and spasms I experienced, so bought a small bottle for me to try.  I had to put 3 drops on my tongue in the morning, and again before I went to bed.  I felt dubious but decided to give it a try.  After a few days, Colin asked me, “how was it?”  I actually slept a bit better, so less risk of me waking up to the usual bouts of imitating a werewolf breaking out of my body.  I hadn’t wanted to upset Colin’s good intentions, but I had to later admit to him that the oil tasted almost a bit like “cow dung”.  Not that I’d ever tried cow dung before, but it was my only best description of what I thought what it tasted like.  From then on, Colin unsympathetically asked me each day if I’d taken my cow dung yet!  When the small bottle finished, I politely refused to repeat the experience.  It may have been great in different doses and forms for others, but I actually preferred to continue to grit my teeth during my usual nightly ritual.

Cooking Again – 31st August: This time, I attempted an experiment.  I had some spare minced beef and attempted to do my version of, “Indonesian Style Spicy Beef” with a garnish of sliced cucumber, onion, chillies and fresh coriander.  I still couldn’t chop the ingredients properly, so I resorted to my new best friend, the electric chopper again.   The dish actually turned out alright, as I used Colin as my usual guinea pig.  I think we’ll have that dish again, as Colin gave me his “thumbs up” seal of approval …….

Please view next page 23 at link “Nosebleeds, Movement & Housework”: https://www.rebootinglinda.com/nose-bleeds-ankle-support-improved-movement-and-limited-housework/

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23. Nose Bleeds, Movement & Housework

Nose Bleeds

I noticed that I hadn’t experienced as many nosebleeds since my attack in January.  However, I still had a small number, usually triggered by uncontrollable sneezing fits, probably from being in the garden.  It was difficult to stem the flow of blood because of the blood thinning medication I was taking.  The downstairs W.C. looked sometimes like a murder scene from CSI, as I desperately tried to stop the never-ending flow dropping onto the floor, toilet seat and sink.  Every time I grabbed a new piece of toilet roll, more drops spread about the place, while I miserably failed to clear the mess at the same time.  Every time I turned, I inadvertently created a new “red zone”!  It was horrible and I felt totally useless, as I waited for the episodes to pass.  Eventually, I cleared up the devastation, but how on earth could so much blood have come out of my little nose?  Colin wondered about that too …..

Richard’s Garden Party: First time in a big group, Shared Medical Experiences – 1st September

I was with Colin this time, at Richrd’s End of Summer party, as I had missed previous years due to our bi-monthly print deadline.  Colin previously always escaped and went alone, so I usually suggested a cardboard cut out of me that he could introduce as his “Phantom Wife”.   I looked forward to going this year, as I hadn’t the usual work reasons get in the way.

Lovely Party: This was an ideal opportunity for us to see old and familiar faces that we hadn’t seen in a long time.  It only reminded me that I’d buried myself away far too much from social gatherings because of work reasons in the past. I had problems standing for long periods, so was “parked” on a seat on the terrace area with other guests.  Most of them came and went as they pleased, but Colin constantly kept a watchful eye from a distance, while he renewed old acquaintances, and came up periodically to see if I needed a drink or something to eat.   I really missed the freedom to move around and mix with clusters of friends and catch up on their news.  People had been kind to offer to get me a drink or food, but I really wanted to do these things for myself.  Unfortunately, the reality was that I had to depend on others. It became quite exasperating being in that position.  Another lesson in patience for me ………

Imagine In Hospital for 2 years!!:   I was given a new perspective in comparison to my recovery. I began a conversation with a man next to me. He noticeably was helpless, like myself.  We traded tales of our ailments, medicine and hospital experiences, which was only been natural between us.  Why would anyone else have been interested in our stories, when it was supposed to be a jovial party?  I was horrified when I discovered this poor man had been in the hospital for well over 2 years with severe sepsis!  I realised that my mere experience of one month, had been absolutely nothing in comparison.  I noticed that he had lost a great deal of weight, by the loose fitting clothes. However , he had such a defiant glint in his eye, and a “spit and fire” attitude toward his experience and recovery.  I was in awe and admiration for such a character.  Good for him ……

Time I Moved: I decided that I had enough of sitting around, pulled myself up, to tentatively shuffle around on the soft lawn, and joined Michelle and a group of girls.  I was really glad that I made the effort.  We had a laugh, sharing the usual female banter, until Colin collected me to go home.  Yes it had been a really lovely afternoon ……

Pamper and Therapy Session – 7th September

My Nails: Della decided it was time for another pamper session of nails, massage and facial.  First she tackled my nails.  We noticed, that as my right hand was more active, the nails on my bad left hand had become much longer.

My Massages: Were better as I could actually feel her hands, while she manipulated my bad arm and leg.  However, it felt like she wore thick gloves, so my sensations still had to be worked on.  We concentrated on movement of my left arm to move up and down, more flexibility in my wrist, my left knee and ankle to bend more naturally.  However, although I could raise my arm higher, I got more pangs of pain as the muscles had tightened at the top half of my arm for some reason. The pains shot down my back like an electric shock.  In spite of these obstacles, I had no choice but to continue with my exercises. 

My Facial: Della decided that I deserved another facial.  I really hadn’t been sure, as the previous “green glop” experiment ended with me resembling a female “Shrek”.  I became even more “twitchy”, when she announced that she had something new to try out on me.  Oh Nooooo!  However, I surrendered and let her loose with the treatment.  I had no idea what she put on my face, but it was damp, clingy and cold.  The cheeky monkey took another sneaky photo of me while I was laid back relaxing.  The photo looked like a jelly fish had landed on my face!

Oscar Grew Rapidly & More Mad! – 11th September

We couldn’t believe how much Oscar had grown in such a short period.  When he first came to us, he had been small enough to scrabble into the garden through the cat hole from our office!  He had grown so much, the hole was too small for him, so he had to wait for us to let him out to run havoc in the garden area.  Unfortunately, he began to dig holes in our lawn.  His frantic efforts looked like he was trying to dig his way down to China!  Colin had read online that if you put an inflated balloon in the hole it would disturb the dog and the popping sound should shock him and he wouldn’t approach the hole again.  Wrong!  We tried this little experiment, but Oscar thought it was a new game. He squared up to the balloon, then ran away!  That was when we decided to rethink the lawn rescue project …….

New Foot Support – 14th September: Michelle and Della had noticed I didn’t walk too well on my bad left foot.  For some reason it kept shifting and pointing over to the right.  They were right.  None of us had noticed this before, as we’d been concentrating on getting me back on my feet.  The fact that I could walk, was a cause for celebration alone.  As I became more aware of the problem, it was time to focus on the smaller details.  Colin bought me a couple of ankle supports to rectify the bad and lazy habit I got into.  I began to notice a small difference.   I became more conscious of my bad ankle as I learned to walk slower and forced the ankle to turn more to the left and this made my pace more naturally straight.  I was learning how to walk all over again.

Starting A Blog of Recovery – 14th September

Start of a Monster: I discussed the prospect of a blog with a few close friends. I had been keeping a diary from the beginning of my recovery.  At first, I had very much been against any attempts at writing about my experiences. However, I was persuaded to explore the possibility that anything I shared could be of benefit to anyone else vulnerable, frightened and might experience something similar to my situation.    I would be speaking about my anger, frustrations and feelings.  A personal account could also be of help for carers, as well as sufferers. To be angry and frustrated would be natural, but there wouldn’t be any harm to have fun along the way. 

I gave it some thought.  I had never excelled at English grammar in school, so the prospect of anyone reading my scribbles, like an English teacher, to correct my every mistake absolutely mortified me.  What on earth did I have to say?  The more I thought, the more I overcame my fears, and looked into what internet tools I could use.  I began to enter unknown territory. However, that never stopped any challenges in the past.  I researched how to create a blog.  Most of the information had been “gobbledy gook”. and quite intimidating.   I finally settled on “Wordpress”, which I had heard of.  I looked at a few tutorials, took the plunge to sign up, and began to create something.  The blog site and the hosting site, at “Blue Host”, had been incredibly patient and helpful with their chat section.  After several draft attempts, I made my first amateurish journal post, and crossed my fingers. It definitely needed to be worked on it at a later stage ……..

Improvement Up and Down the Stairs – 17th September

After a few days of concentration on my walk with the foot support, I noticed that I no longer had to tackle the stairs one step at a time.  Although slow and tentative, I became more confident about the stairs. 

I was pleased, but noticed that I still kicked out my bad leg to the left and unconsciously bent my bad arm while I climbed the stairs.  I probably concentrated too hard to get to the top as fast as I could, rather than being aware of these faults.  Good job we had videos to show me.  Back to the drawing board …..

Better Arm and Finger Movement – 20th September. 

I shared a video to demonstrate improvement with my left arm & fingers.  In reality, I had pain as I pushed myself.  In the previous video, when I held my arm up, it was strained and mainly worked through my shoulder and not my whole arm. On this occasion, I showed more flexibility in my arm and fingers, but it was painful afterwards . So more work to be done.  Naughty Della panned down to show my odd shoes. When she saw me earlier that morning, she asked me, “Are you going out like that?” I’d completely forgotten!

Wedding Ring Back On – 20th September

After over 9 months, my knuckles had finally gone down, so Colin could put my wedding ring back where it belonged.  Guess he’s stuck with me now. No mention of renewing our vows though.  Hee, hee …

Morning Fresh – Reminder Post from 2012

I saw a reminder post I had made back in 2012.  It still makes me giggle, so I had to share it again, at Colin’s expense.  “COLIN’S MOUTHWASH – Colin came out of the shower grimacing and smacking his lips. Handed me a green bottle and said “Does this mouthwash look funny to you? Certainly doesn’t taste right …..” The penny dropped when I told him it was liquid soap ……… His annoyed reply was “who would name liquid soap “Morning Fresh???” – should have gone to Spec Savers!!”

Yeay, I can lean Back! – 27th September

In a new video, I had showed off my hair cut by Della. I thought I also could show that I was able to lean back on both elbows, and wave with my bad arm.  I later realized that a major diet was definitely due, as my legs looked really huge!

Housework Chores:   I wanted to contribute something towards helping around the house a bit more.  I was so pleased to grip the cat food tins or dog packets with my bad hand, as I pulled back the metal ring, or cover off the pet food carton.  It probably sounded ridiculous, but it was so wonderful to feed our pets myself.  I couldn’t do any washing up, but tried my best to rinse off pots and dishes, one by one, and load into the dishwasher.   Who could have imagined to load the dishwasher could be such back aching work?  I did what was necessary.  I couldn’t make excuses not to try though, so I had to have a go and tried slowly get myself back into some sort of clumsy domestic routine, as best as I could.

The Jersey Boys Tribute Band Party – 28th September

What a really good end to the end of El Paraiso Golf members week.   There had been the usual great organization, amazing prizes, good food and fantastic entertainment with the Jersey Boys tribute band.  It was wonderful to see so many golfing buddies under one roof. A really fun night.  I was sorry not to have taken any photos as I’d been too busy joining in the dancing! ……….

Please view next page 24 at link “Emotions, Speed Limping, No Hospital”: https://www.rebootinglinda.com/emotions-speed-limping-medical-update-no-more-hospital/

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24. Emotions, Speed Limping, No Hospital

Hair Disaster!: I thought that if I could raise my bad arm above my head, I should have been able to tie my hair into a pony tail.  Why not?  Wrong!  My bad fingers wouldn’t grip and manipulate the elastic band to tie my hair.  I had failed miserably. After several efforts, I ended with arm and neck ache. I let Della take over, only after she stopped laughing at my pathetic attempts!  It was funny at the time, but she was mischievously cruel.   I should have known her and Colin’s taunts by then. I never learned ………

Another Goodbye to a Lovely Man – 29th September

Bad News: I was very sad to hear of Michelle’s Dad passing earlier in the week.   We had known John and family for years, and it was really heartbreaking to hear he would no longer be with us.  Never knew how Michelle, her Mother and family coped through his illness, then when he passed, it was something I was able to empathise with. I had lost both Mum and Dad a few years ago and the pain will never go away.   When Dad was the last to pass, it had been a surreal and strange experience.   I suddenly felt like an orphan and, as the eldest, I felt protective and wanted to comfort the surviving members of the family.  I was sure it couldn’t have been easy for my lovely friend, Michelle.

The Gathering: We gathered at “The Dog House Bar”, to raise a glass and pay our respects to John.  There was a wonderful turnout.  I was seated inside, as they knew I couldn’t stand for very long.  There were so many friends, the crowd spilled out into the street. We saw a few of the old familiar faces from many years ago indoors. However, I needed to stretch my legs, as my bad leg had been juddering a few times in the middle of conversations. I became embarrassed and slowly made my way outside to stretch out a bit. Before I had a chance to say my “hellos” properly, my bad leg started to misbehave again, so I had to toddle my way back to my seat inside before it became too obvious.  I thought how odd that I started having such sensations more often during the day.

Felt a Bit Emotional: A friend of ours, Ian, joined our table for drinks.  He had been in constant phone contact with Colin during the time I had my attack that ended in a coma.  What I hadn’t known was, at the time when Colin was told by medics that I wouldn’t survive, he told Ian, “I won’t be speaking to her ever again”.  That had been tremendously emotional for me to hear. It practically took my breath away.  I had to have a moment to think about what Colin must have been going through, and how hard he had worked over the past months to not lose me.  I felt such emotion grab at my throat, I couldn’t breathe and my eyes began to prick with tears. I excused myself, then had a little private cry in the ladies room ……

Self Doubt: When we got home, I was acutely aware of my limitations of everything.   My movement was slow and robotic, I slurred and lisped when I spoke and I just felt awkward in general.   I thought about how I no longer was an active woman.   I felt as if I had been broken into bits and pieces, waiting to be reconstructed to my old self.  I’d become older, incomplete and incredibly self conscious.  Walking and talking like a drunk just didn’t sit well with me.   People had been very kind and good natured, but I couldn’t get past the exasperation and sadness that I felt inside.  

I doubted myself so much, I had to apologise to Colin for not being as the woman he had married.  He told me, “I’m not embarrassed at all, you’re the same pain in the arse I married years ago”.  Charming! Trust him to drag me back to reality. It was strangely insulting, but touching all the same.  No matter how things would turn out, I had to remind myself that I was the same person inside – a pain in the arse! …..

Speed Limping with Oscar – 2nd October: I arranged with Maggie and Maria, my friends from the UK and golf club, to walk Oscar.  Maggie arrived, but Maria had a problem with her house lock, so she had to cancel. Maggie and I decided to set of with “the Beast” on one of my usual walks around the Park Beach complex. Good job that Maggie had a tight grip of the leash, while I had a job to catch up with them with my version of “speed limping”. Oscar had dragged poor Maggie way ahead of me.   After a few metres, Maria surprisingly joined us and explained how she finally managed to leave her house secure.  At this stage, Maggie became pretty relieved to pass Oscar’s leash over to Maria.  Maggie and I just laughed and joked, as we watched Maria hauled off into the distance, legs stomping and hair bobbing up and down, as she attempted to slow Oscar down ahead of us.

Our Rest Stop: At my usual halfway mark, we sat down and tried to do a “selfie” photo of the three of us to include Oscar.  What a fiasco!  It took several attempts, as we giggled to control my frisky puppy.  Marie resorted to a strangle hold of Oscar’s neck, but he just kept licking her face.  After several fits of laughter and mad fumbles, we got one great photo.  I was sure that experience had been etched into Maggie and Maria’s memories. Not sure if they would ever agree to another “walkies” experience again. However, it was pretty hilarious  …..

My Blog Launch: After a few hiccups, patient online service, advice, and several rejected drafts, I finally built up the courage and took the frightening plunge to launch my blog.  I mentioned before that Colin and I had debated on what to call the blog.  He came up with the title “rebooting linda”. I thought it was perfect as I’ve been slowly rebooting my body and worked with computers for years.  I liked it.  However, I admit that I felt pretty sick and cringed a lot. I closed my eyes tight, then half opened one eye to “click” on that dangerous “enter” button.  It was a very scary step, but too late for regrets.  I had put myself out there, so I crossed my fingers and anything else that I could physically knot together for luck.  It was a pretty nerve wracking few days, but I was amazed at the gradual increase in  “reads” in the feed back section of my blog.  I felt even more encouraged when I saw evidence of “fan” clicks and “sharing” of it on social media.  What the heck had I started?  It dawned on me that I had to do more scribblings for future regular updates – eeek!

Aches, Pains and My Condition Update – 3rd October

Unfortunately, aches and pains became a regular part of my life.  The night pains and spasms were the worse, as I would have my sleep suddenly interrupted by bouts of spasms and uncontrollable arm and leg stretching, twitching and shaking.  I got despondent, as I couldn’t understand why these things happened so often.  I had done my exercises and with some improvements, but I had to question why I was so cruelly punished like this.  Those unpleasant attacks (day or night) didn’t last for too long but there wasn’t anything that Colin or I could do to prevent them.   Colin saw that I was losing heart, so he decided to read up a bit more about my condition:

Colin’s Information from the internet:   Apparently, I’d been experiencing a condition known as, “muscle spasticity”, as explained below: 

“Spasticity is one of the common complications of a stroke. Usually, spasticity develops months or even a year after a stroke and often may become more noticeable during recovery. Spasticity is a challenging, unpleasant problem for stroke survivors.”   No kidding!  However, that explained the increase of my aches, stiffness and twitching.    “This condition is tightness, rigidity, and inflexibility of muscles.  After a stroke, the arms, the legs or even the face can become weak or paralyzed. That weakness means that you cannot control muscle movement.   But, often after a stroke, weak muscles become ‘stuck’ in a rigid or tight position and cannot comfortably relax when you want them to.”  

“Sometimes, with milder spasticity, a survivor might be able to move their muscles, but they may jerk unevenly as they move, instead of moving smoothly.  If you live with untreated spasticity for too long, your muscles can stiffen even further.  Over time, this can make it more difficult to move, exacerbating your handicap and resulting in a worsening cycle that makes your stroke recovery more of an uphill battle” 

These were exactly my symptoms!  At least I no longer felt that I was crazy.   I accepted these horrible experiences as a sign that my body had reacted to my gradual improvement.  It was a small price I had to pay and carried on with my exercises. I really looked forward to getting back to normal some day.  However, excuse the pun, but it was a real pain trying to remain positive during those bad periods.  I realized the spasticity could also possibly get worse before getting better, which I was a prospect that I wasn’t looking forward to …….

My Condition Update:

My Hand:  Inspite of the progress in movement of my fingers, wrist and arm, I was still very rigid and robotic.  My grip was still very weak and I developed mild “pins and needles” in my fingers, especially if I tried to grip onto something too tight.

My Head:  Still constantly felt tight and even more if I raised my eyebrows.  Colin jokingly told me to stop doing it then!  It got to the stage after I got used to wearing this “virtual compressed hat” each day, but wished for when it would all be over.  My head sometimes felt so thick, heavy, and made me feel rather dull witted.   Almost like a constant hangover, but none of the enjoyment of a few alcoholic drinks before ………

My Face:  I started with paralysis on the left side of my face and deaf in the left ear.  It was really weird. At first, whenever I ran my fingers over the left side of my chin, cheek, ear, eyebrow, forehead, even when I tried to pinch so hard until the skin area turned white, I still felt nothing.  Gradually this changed over time and feeling returned to the bottom half of the left side of my face.  It was hard to describe, almost like a numbness when I had an injection from the dentist.  I was aware of my facial features, but any touching of certain parts resulted in a “deadness” or very faint “feathery” sensation. 

My Mouth:  It still felt alien to me.  My tongue felt very thick and too big for my mouth, while the cheeks inside seemed swollen, which meant sometimes accidentally biting them from the inside when I ate or tried to speak.  I still had an annoying lisp when I talked, which made conversations really irritating when I had to repeat myself to Colin and others when they couldn’t make out what I was trying to say.  After several fits of giggles and misunderstandings, I sometimes had to resort to my own clumsy version of sign language, which often ended in even more laughter.

Uncontrollable Giggling:  This was a strange condition to fathom.  I would start to giggle whenever I thought of anything amusing or was in the middle of trying to relay a funny story.  It was so bad that when Colin (or somebody) only had to make a silly comment, or look at me in a certain way, that resulted in me loosing complete control of my bladder.  When he noticed the warning signs, he would say, “here comes miss pissy knickers again”.  I couldn’t help myself and giggled even more!

Our 31st Wedding Anniversary – 4th October

Colin and I married in 1988.  As he’d been married before, we had a registrar ceremony in Gibraltar, followed by a church blessing in La Virginia church in Marbella a few days later.  We were given the date of 4th October for the Gibraltar ceremony on our certificate, so Colin chose 7th (his lucky number) for the “Blessing” in Marbella.  I thought that date could remind him for future anniversaries.  Wrong!  Colin has always been terrible remembering special dates, so over the years he pacified me with the amount of several “Happy Un-Birthday” and late “Un-Anniversary” presents and dinners.   However, after so many years and challenges together, I couldn’t question his love and devotion to me.  I found a lovely photo of the two of us and posted it on social media to celebrate our 31st wedding anniversary with caption:   LOOK OF LOVE – today is our 31st Anniversary! We certainly lived up to our vows but especially “in Sickness and Health”, but this year Colin’s look told me everything. Happy Anniversary to a Lovely man – Love you loads xxx”.

Anniversary Lunch – 5th October: We made arrangements to meet John and Anisa at our favourite chinese restaurant, “The Golden Sun”, in the Benavista commercial centre.  Colin and I bumped into a friend, Paul, as were about to climb the stairs up to the restaurant.  We exchanged a few pleasant words, then I hung onto Colin for dear life, while I tackled the stone difficult steps up.  When we got half way up, I heard Paul shouting up to us from behind, “why don’t you use the elevator?”.  I defiantly turned round, smiled and replied, “ I’d rather try and use the stairs thank you”.  Paul’s quick response was, “I meant Colin, not you!”.  Such a cheeky chappie ……

Leg Backwards – 8th October

It was impossible for me to bend my bad leg backwards at all before.  After a bit of practice, I managed to move it slightly back. I felt annoyed after several attempts, as it had been a great deal of effort, for such little reward.  On the other hand, better nothing and it was a positive sign.  When Della recorded the video clip for me, she said, “nobody likes a show off”.  Charming! ….. 

Being Kidnapped – 9th October: I had a call from Michelle in the morning.  When I told her I had nothing special planned, she ordered me to get ready, as she and our lovely friend, Helen from Jersey, where going to pick me up within an hour to go out for a coffee.  Stuff that, the idea – cava was better!   We went to the La Antigua Beach Restaurant and had a lovely “chin-wag” over a couple of hours.  It was a fabulous and unexpected way to be kidnapped …..

Reunion of 5 Families – 11th October

We had a great “early doors” drinks meeting of 5 families at Gregorio’s in Villacana.  A delightful and rare evening for a get together of the Cartwright and Banister clan from the UK to meet up with us (Martin), James, Allyson and Rosanagh (Irish) from Spain, plus Paul & Dana over from the USA.  Quite a wonderful cocktail of nationalities …..

Out Supermarket Shopping – 12th October

During the past months, poor Colin had been doing the weekly supermarket shopping alone.  This time, I accompanied him.  We wanted to know if I could cope with hanging onto the trolley, while I tried to walk around the supermarket.  It was slow work but I managed to get around, while Colin whizzed around the aisles, occasionally returning to pop an item or two into the basket.  It had been months since I had done any shopping myself. I felt a bit disoriented as the shelves had changed and I wasn’t able to find articles in the old familiar places.  Our trip proved that I could join Colin on some future shopping trips.   Unfortunately, Colin told me that I couldn’t come out too often as our shopping bill seemed to drastically increase when I was with him!

Rugby World Cup Round – 13th October: Colin had always driven me to distraction with the many sports he followed and watched on TV.  Any sport with odd shaped balls I guess!  I´m afraid that I had never shared his passion, except for some major events.  As it was Sunday, it was a good excuse for a “Sunday Roast” meal and watch the round of Japan v Scotland Rugby World Cup match at the “Dog House”.  The atmosphere was vibrant, the food great and an enjoyable reunion of friends.  The place filled up as we enjoyed the tussle between the 2 teams.  Although, Scotland had put up a brave fight, it seemed obvious that Japan were going to win.  Joe, our jovial Irish friend in his usual Irish rugby shirt, piped up, “ I suppose sushi is off the menu next week” ………

Shoulder Rolling Time!  –  16th October

In spite of my new movements, I still felt awkward and rigid. I began to do some shoulder rolling, which had been near impossible before.  I felt wonderful, proud of myself, in high spirits and more encouraged.  Della just had to pop in a comment on the video about me eventually being able to do my own hair soon and I would looking amazing. Yeah, right!

Ladies Golf Invitation Day – 22nd October

It was the El Paraiso annual event, which was the usual success.  I was invited to join in and was very thankful the girls thought of me again.  Another fun reunion with some of my lady golf buddies over lunch.  This was also a good opportunity for our gang to have sneaky, secret chats about our fancy dress theme for the next Christmas competition …….

Oscar and Obedience – Not!

That puppy of ours had grown even more!  I wasn’t safe to walk in the garden with him around, as he would take a running jump at me, which sent me flying!  It was only a natural sign of showing his affection, but he became far too boisterous, big and muscular for me to cope with.  Obedience had never been a part of his behavior, more like a mischievous “naughtiness”.   However, we just couldn’t help ourselves in adoring “The Beast” in our lives.  We tried all sorts of ways to discipline him, but unhappily failed.  Oscar must have sensed some sort of  weakness in both of us to create such havoc and mess.  He found our broom and made friends with the darned thing.  We totally ignored, as he ran around the garden with it!  Back to the drawing board for discipline school – NOT! ….

Walking Around Gibraltar – 29th October: It was the first time in Gibraltar for over a year.  John and Anisa kindly drove us down for the day.  I actually managed to hobble up and down the “Main Street” while we got some Christmas goodies from Marks and Spencer. A kind Morrocan store owner let me rest on his private bench outside his shop, where Anisa and I bought his fresh chillies.   John said that I’d “pulled”, while he took a sly photo.  We had a great lunch at the Clipper. I bought new christmas tree ornaments representing our 3 gorgeous pets, then onto mega Morrison’s supermarket shopping.  I was really proud as I actually managed to walk (toddle) around for 3.5 kms that day! However, I was really shattered afterwards ………

Final Malaga Check Up – 31st October: John and Anisa kindly drove us again to my check up with doctor Hamad in Malaga.  The doctor studied reports of my last scan from a few months ago. The one with the animation of palm trees and speedboat.   Apparently, my last MRI scan revealed some brain scarring, but no further damage after 10 months.  I then had to go through balance and reflex tests. Colin and I felt relieved that Dr Hamad had been very happy with my recovery process, blood pressure and told me to continue to do what I’d been doing. Any urgent checkups would be referred to at regional level in future, so no need for further Malaga appointments!   I must have been a pretty horrible patient as he didn’t want to see me again. Yippee!  On the serious side, he warned me not to get too upset or stressed again as I could risk a relapse.   Point taken ……….. 

Celebration Lunch: The four of us were really happy with the great news, so on the journey back home, we decided to celebrate with a Chinese lunch at the Golden Sun in Benavista.  Things began to look up ……

Please view next page 25 at link “New Boots, Walking and 1st Celebration”: https://www.rebootinglinda.com/25-new-boots-walking-better-first-attempt-to-colour-my-hair-and-first-thanks-giving/

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